About Jamie Griffiths

I’m a bodyworker and embodiment coach. I live and work in Hackney and I’m on a mission to heal the mind-body split.

My path has been a winding one…

I’ve been a mathematician, an actor, a writer, a marketing executive, a freelancer, a bartender, a factory worker, a charity fundraiser, a waiter, a salesman, a customer services agent, a telemarketer, a coach, a massage therapist, a yoga teacher and a dad.

Being a dad was the toughest gig. I got into parenting before I was ready and in the first few years I became overwhelmed with the demands of family life and suffered a complete breakdown. I was still a freelance copywriter then and was so gripped by anxiety and depression that I had to give up work entirely (which wasn’t so bad because I hated it at the time).

It has taken me years to heal – a process which is still ongoing – and involved talk therapy and self-help and various spiritual practices. But the single most important thing for me when it came to finding a way through anxiety and depression was working on the body.

Becoming a massage therapist – though I didn’t know it at the time – was part of my journey to wholeness. But massage alone wasn’t enough. My explorations with using immersion in bodily sensation to effect healing encompassed breathwork, yoga, qigong, Reichian bodywork, bioenergetics and somatic parts work.

So I’ve brought all these together into a framework that helps people access the immense resources that lie within them for healing and development. For resolving anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and chronic pain so that they can live freer, fuller, more vivid lives.

Our traumas might have made us who we are, but they don’t have to define who we will be.

My Training

I’ve trained professionally as an actor, which incoporated significant breath, voice and movement training. I’m a holistic & deep-tissue massage therapist, a traditional Thai massage therapist, a yoga teacher and a life coach. I’m a full member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and carry insurance through Hiscox.